Friday 1 March 2013

"Bread Pizza"

"Bread Pizza - Processed"

Quantity: 2-3 members or as per your bread slices.

About this Food!

"Bread Pizza" , is a simple and easy to make variety snack dish prepared with very little ingredients and its faster to make and whenever there are surprise guests at your home this dish plays a good foodie for them and they will definitely like it.

This dish can be served independently.

"Bread Pizza"



1. Bread slices - 6 nos

2. Onion - 1 no

3. Tomato - 1 no

4. Basil leaves  chopped - To your needs

5. Cheese - To your needs

6. Salt and pepper - To your needs

7. Capsicum - 1 no

8. Tomato Sauce - To your needs

"Toppings - before Heating up in Oven"


1. In a bowl add chopped onion , tomato , capsicum , basil leaves , salt , pepper and nicely mix it and top up to your bread slices and then spread some tomato sauce and then add cheese scraps and heat in oven for 5-10 mins at 300 degree centigrade or till cheese becomes hardened.

"Bread Pizza - Processed"

Try it and you will love it , its that simple!!

Happy Foodie!!!

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