Tuesday 2 April 2013

"Thai Tom Yum Soup"

"Thai Tom Yum Soup"


1. Lemongrass - 1 to 2 stalks chopped.

2. Kaffir lime leaves- 3 to 4 leaves

3. Garlic cloves - 3 to 4nos

4. Fish sauce - 3 tbsp

5. Fresh lime juice - 1 tbsp

6. Red chilly - 1 no

7. Normal Mushrooms - 12- 15 nos

8. Coconut milk - 1/2 can

9. Fresh coriander leaves - 1/2 cup

10. Brown Sugar -1 tsp


1. Pour vegetable stock with low sodium content  into a deep cooking pot and wait till it gets boiled up.

2. Add lemongrass to the stock and boil for 1-2 minutes and add  3-4 whole kaffir lime leaves to the soup pot and  reduce heat to medium and add 3-4 cloves garlic, pressed or finely chopped/minced.

3. Add fish sauce, fresh-squeezed lime juice,brown sugar and red chili.

4. Now add the sliced mushrooms to the pot allow it cook for 2-3  mins and then reduce heat to low, add 1/2 can coconut milk and cook for 3 mins and taste the soup if not salty enough, add more fish sauce, cook for few mins and finish your cooking and serve hot!

Try it and you will Love it!

Happy Foodie!!!

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