Monday 18 February 2013

"Potato Pizza"


Quantity: 1-2  members

About This Foodie!

"Home made Potato Pizza", no need much introduction , its good for a home made type pizza  however you can practice it and give it a try with your own creative toppings.

You can try it with non-veg like chicken or even you can try it with mushroom or use any toppings as per your creativity.

"Potato Pizza"



Dough(Pizza Base) making

1. Maida Flour - 2 cups

2. Baking powder - 1/4 tsp

3. Salt - to taste

4. Water - required quantity

5. Vanaspathi or Dalda  - 1tblspn

6. Oil - 2-3 tsp

7. Egg white - 1 egg's


1. Mix all the ingredients mentioned above in a bowl and make a dough to a soft consistency like we do for poori dough or even a little bit softer than it will be good consistency and keep it aside for atleast 1 hr.

2. Then flatten the dough like we do for chapatti but with minimum thickness of 1/2 an inch as shown in picture.

Ingredients for Toppings

1. Potato - 1/2 no

2. Tomato - 1/2 no

3. Big onion - 1/2 no

4. Chopped Mint leaves - (6-7 leaves)

5. Chopped Coriander leaves - To your required quantity

6. Butter - 2 tblspn or Cheese scraps- for topping

7. Green chilly - 1 no

8. Capsicum - 2-3  slices or to your required quantity

9.  Salt - To taste

10. Tomato sauce- 2 tblspn


1. Slice the onions, tomatoes, green chillies , capsicum  and using a scrapper thin slice potato and put some salt and black pepper powder and mix all of them in  a bowl and keep it aside.

Ingredients for Potato dipping

1. Egg white - 1 tsp

2. Red chilly powder - 1/4 tsp

3. Black pepper powder - 1/4 tsp

4. Salt - to taste

5. Vinegar - 2-3 drops

6. Sugar - 1 pinch


1. Mix all the ingredients and dip the thin sliced potato both sides well and keep it aside.

Final preparation for Pizza

1. Take the base and spread with tomato sauce first and then put the chopped mint leaves and then add the onion , tomato toppings prepared and then place the dipped potatoes and then butter or cheese finally and then place inside oven(pre heat for 2 mins at 700 degree centigrade before placing pizza inside) for 4 mins at 420 degree centigrade and finish your baking and serve hot.

Try it and you will Love it!!!

Happy Foodie!!!

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