Wednesday 12 September 2012

"Chicken Cutlet"

"Chicken Cutlet"

Quantity: For 3 members

About This Foodie!

"Chicken cutlet" is one of the most mouth watering dish made with the below mentioned ingredients and processing method,as the taste of this dish is different from our regular chicken fry , we can have it even independently without in any food combo!! 

Dip:Tomato Sauce is best dip for this dish.

Best side dish for any type of chicken masala(Kozhambu).

When there is a get together or any thanksgiving in your family ..Chicken cutlet will be center of attraction and the taste will make your friends and relatives remember you forever:))

Keep this dish as a base taste and always try and upgrade your cooking style with your ideas and share it!!

 Chicken Cutlet



  1.      Chicken : 1/4 kg

  2.      Chillipowder: 1 tbl spoon or to your taste

  3.      Turmeric powder : 1/4 teaspoon

  4.      Garam masala :1/4 teaspoon

  5.       Egg : 1 

  6.      Salt to taste

  7.      Coriander Leaves to mix in the content

  8.      Pottu Kadalai(Roasted gram) Flour for binding : 1-2 tbl spoon

  9.      Saunf(Aniseed): 1/2 tbl spoon

  10.  Bread Crumbs: Desired Qty.

  11.  Oil: To fry

"Chicken Cutlet with Tomato Sauce"


  1.      Mince chicken to small pieces in mixer.

  2.      Mix the minced chicken together with all the above mentioned ingredients without water and tap it to your desired shape (oval/flat circle/ball like shape).

  3.      Beat the egg (both yolk & white together) and keep it separately.

  4.      Dip the shapes into egg and dip with bread crumbs both sides thoroughly.

  5.      In the medium flame give a gentle golden brown fry or fry to your taste (or) Use Dosa ironplate to fry with less oil.

  6.      Garnish with carrot, coriander leaves and onion or to your style.

  Try it and you will Love it!

  Happy Foodie!!!

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