Monday 29 October 2012

"Brinjal Fry"

"Brinjal Fry"
Quantity:3-4 members

About this Foodie!

"Brinjal Fry" is one simple to make and tastier to eat dish , normally there are varieties of dish in brinjal and this one is one of the simple variety type and more dishes to be posted hereafter in our blog.This dish has a good flavor to our taste buds and very colorful to our eyes , normal type of brinjals can be used for this dish.

Best side dish with curd rice , sambar rice and chapati.

"Brinjal Fry"



1. Brinjal - 1/2 kg

2. Mustard seeds, black gram - 1/4 teaspoon each

3. Chilly powder - 1/4 teaspoon or to your taste

4. Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon

5. Curry leaves - 5-6 nos

6. Coconut scraps - 1 tbl.spoon

7. Salt & Oil - To your taste


1. In a frying pan put 1/4 teaspoon oil and add mustard seeds , black gram, curry leaves and saute it.

2. Now add chilly powder,turmeric powder ,1/4 cup water , salt in the frying pan and cook till water gets boiled up.

3. Now add chopped brinjal (as seen in picture) to the frying pan and nicely cook till water gets dried up.

4. Add coconut scraps to the brinjal mix in frying pan and cook for 3-4 mins and finish your cooking and serve it hot.

Try it and you will love it!

Happy Foodie!!!

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