Tuesday 2 October 2012

"Masala Brinjal Fry"

"Masala Brinjal"

Quantity: 2-3 members

About this Foodie!!!

"Masala Brinjal Fry" is a wonderful dish of South India , normally brinjal is vegetable that easily gets adapted to a taste of masala it is been added with, in that way the masala in this dish gives us a touch of non-veg taste, eventhough the dish is vegetarian and the flavor really shoots up your taste buds.

Best side dish with Curd rice, chapati and even it can be directly put in plain white rice and taken.

Masala Brinjal Fry



1. Medium sized brinjal(Full purple)- 1/4 kg

2. Chilly powder - 1 teaspoon or to your taste.

3. Coriander powder - 2 tbl.spoon

4. Ginger gsrlic paste - 1/2 teaspoon

5. Cinnamon - 1 inch sized - 2 nos, cloves - 2nos, saunf- 1/4 teaspoon

6. Kasa kasa (Poppy seeds) - 1/4 teaspoon

7. Coconut - 6-7 tooth

8. Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon

9. Roasted gram - 1 tbl.spoon

10. Salt and oil - Required qty.


1. Grind all the above ingredients( 2 to 10)  in a mixer grinder and keep the masala separate.

2. Cut the brinjal into four slices ( not entirely but till its cap so that the brinjal opens like a flower shape) and stuff with masala mentiond in point no.1

3. Take a pan and put some oil and cook the stuffed brinjal and add some masala water( water washed with left out contents in mixer grinder) cook for sometime till brinjal gets cooked and serve it .

Try it and you will enjoy it!!

Happy Foodie!!!

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